Tepezza Lawsuit: Recent Developments and What They Mean for Patients

The Tepezza lawsuit has emerged as a significant legal battleground, raising questions about patient safety, pharmaceutical accountability, and the ethical obligations of drug manufacturers. Recent developments in this lawsuit have captured headlines and stirred concerns among patients, healthcare professionals, and regulatory bodies alike.

This article discusses the latest updates surrounding the Tepezza litigation, shedding light on the ongoing legal proceedings and their profound implications for patients.

Overview of Tepezza Lawsuit

The Tepezza lawsuit has emerged as a significant legal battle, raising concerns about patient safety. Tepezza is an injectable drug designed for the treatment of thyroid eye disease (TED), a condition marked by inflammation and swelling around the eyes.

It gained FDA approval as the sole drug for TED treatment. The medication works by targeting the insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF-1R), believed to be involved in TED development.

TorHoerman Law notes that alarming revelations surfaced soon after its approval. In March 2021, a study published in the Endocrine Society’s journal indicated a startling finding. It reported that 65% of patients who received these injections reported hearing damage, hearing loss, or tinnitus (constant ringing in the ears).

Subsequent case series reports in 2022 reinforced these concerns, with patients experiencing persistent subjective hearing loss.

Legal actions against Horizon assert that the company’s inadequate warnings failed to provide doctors and patients with an accurate understanding of the substantial risk. Allegedly, Horizon knew or should have known about the high risk of hearing loss, potentially permanent, linked to the drug.

Case Numbers and Progress

As of October 2023, the Tepezza lawsuit landscape has seen a significant rise in legal actions, with 54 cases pending in multidistrict litigation (MDL). These cases, consolidated in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California, highlight the collective concern surrounding the medication’s alleged adverse effects.

According to Drugwatch, the MDL Panel, acknowledging the growing number of cases, took decisive action in June 2023. It centralized these legal proceedings in the Northern District of Illinois under the jurisdiction of Judge Thomas M. Durkin of Chicago.

Notably, no trials had been scheduled, and court-approved settlements remained absent, indicating that these lawsuits were in their early stages.

Demand for early Bellwether Trial Process

In response to the growing Tepezza hearing loss lawsuits, plaintiffs have advocated for an expedited legal process through the implementation of early bellwether trials.

According to AboutLawsuits.com, the plaintiffs have presented a strategy for selecting a group of cases. Their objective is to avoid protracted delays typically associated with coordinated pretrial proceedings within the newly established federal multidistrict litigation (MDL).

This proposed plan centers around the establishment of a “bellwether” program by Judge Durkin, where a small, representative group of cases will undergo case-specific discovery. This preparatory phase is crucial. It allows the parties involved to gauge how juries might respond to specific evidence and testimony that will be repeated in the litigation.

The plan calls for plaintiffs and defendants to select three bellwether discovery cases each, totaling six initial Tepezza lawsuits forming the bellwether discovery pool. Within 150 days, these cases are to undergo fact discovery.

Upon completion of the discovery period, the pool will be narrowed down to three cases, with one each chosen by plaintiffs, defendants, and the Court. This proposed protocol emphasizes efficient management of the Tepezza MDL, ensuring a swift and judicious resolution to the legal proceedings.

The FDA’s Updated Guidelines for Tepezza

Recently, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) took significant steps in response to the mounting concerns regarding the treatment.

According to Medtruth, the FDA made notable revisions to Tepezza’s prescribing information guide, specifically in the warnings and precautions section. The update included crucial information about the heightened risk of severe hearing loss associated with the drug, alleged to be permanent in some cases.

This newly added warning serves as a cautionary measure, advising healthcare providers to thoroughly assess patients’ hearing both before and after Tepezza treatment. The FDA’s intervention underscores its commitment to patient safety, emphasizing the importance of vigilant monitoring of the benefit-risk ratio for Tepezza therapy.

What Recent Developments Mean for Patients

The recent developments in the lawsuit represent a significant step forward for patients affected by hearing loss due to the medication. The consolidation of cases into an MDL provides a streamlined and efficient legal avenue for plaintiffs to pursue their claims.

This consolidation expedites the legal process and allows for collective strength, enhancing the chances of a fair resolution for the affected patients.

Equally impactful is the order mandating Horizon to add a warning about permanent hearing loss to Tepezza’s label. This decision stands as a crucial victory for patients, ensuring that both doctors and patients are well-informed about the potential risks of the treatment.

By enhancing awareness and transparency, this ruling empowers patients to make informed decisions about their healthcare.

For individuals grappling with hearing loss after Tepezza use, seeking legal counsel is imperative. Experienced attorneys can provide essential guidance, exploring available legal options and potentially securing compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and the emotional distress endured.


The Tepezza lawsuit has rapidly evolved into a pivotal legal battleground, raising profound questions about pharmaceutical transparency, patient safety, and accountability. Recent developments have shed light on the complex landscape of these legal proceedings.

As the lawsuit continues to unfold, it highlights the critical role of transparency, accountability, and regulatory oversight in the pharmaceutical industry. It is a testament to the unwavering commitment to safeguarding patient welfare and ensuring that justice is served for those affected by this medication.

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